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Revista San Gregorio
versión On-line ISSN 2528-7907versión impresa ISSN 1390-7247
LIMONGI MOREIRA, Ricardo Arturo; DELGADO ZAMBRANO, Valeria Stephania y BONILLA PONCE, Andrea Nataly. Urban quality in Consolidated Neighborhoods. The case of “Los Pinos” in the city of Portoviejo. Revista San Gregorio [online]. 2021, vol.1, n.46, pp.1-15. ISSN 2528-7907.
The analysis of urban quality from the neighborhood level constitutes a diagnostic tool to identify places that need an intervention to become spaces: comfortable, safe, and livable. The purpose of this research was to determine the current urban quality level of the “Los Pinos” neighborhood of the city of Portoviejo, belonging to the province of Manabí in Ecuador, located to the northwest of the urban area. By way, the application of research techniques such as the survey and thematic maps, allowed to obtain primary information for the application of indicators that measure urban quality. In this way, problems regarding public space, mobility, and social and cultural identity were evidenced, which prevent achieving social well-being and the enjoyment of the right to the city of its inhabitants. Consequently, the results show that the neighborhood has a regular level of urban quality, so it becomes necessary for the current administration to propose strategies to improve the values of the applied indicators, based on the diagnosis made in order to guarantee that the possible solution proposals are adjusted to the reality of the territory.
Palabras clave : neighborhood level; urban planning; urban indicators; living spaces.