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Revista San Gregorio

versión On-line ISSN 2528-7907versión impresa ISSN 1390-7247


CHILIQUINGA AMAYA1, Javier Andrés; SALAZAR MONTERO, Paola Belén; RIOFRIO GARCIA, Sandy Yomary  y  LOAIZA MALDONADO, Diego Junior. Use of contraceptive methods in young people in Latin América, a contribution from Ecuador. Revista San Gregorio [online]. 2021, vol.1, n.45, pp.158-173. ISSN 2528-7907.

The non-regular use of contraceptives (birth control) by young people in Latin America causes unwanted pregnancies and transmission of sexually transmitted infections throughout the region. The objective of the research was to establish an analytical framework that first explains the use or non-use of contraceptive methods based on the results of research in Latin American countries. The methodology used was the retrospective systematic review of scientific articles from academic databases in the region. The result is an explanatory analytical framework. Use of methods contraceptives (probability of): age, gender, social class, having a partner, time spent with a partner, partner violence, quality information on the methods and information on sexually transmitted infections. In conclusion, it was identified that the initial variables with which this study was started: social shame, side effects, dislike for the condom and stability of the partner do not explain robustly the reasons for young people choosing to use or not to use contraceptives, therefore a better hypothesis was established so it can be tested in future studies.

Palabras clave : Contraception; sexual behavior; family; parents’ participation; natality control; family planning.

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