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Revista San Gregorio
On-line version ISSN 2528-7907Print version ISSN 1390-7247
MAPEN FRANCO, Fabiola de Jesús; BECERRA HERNANDEZ, Antonio and MARTINEZ PRATS, Germán. Importance and satisfaction of university services in postgraduate from the student perspective. Revista San Gregorio [online]. 2020, n.38, pp.15-26. ISSN 2528-7907.
The mission of higher education educational institutions is conceived in terms of contribution to promoting regional and / or national development through the comprehensive training of professionals capable of generating and applying scientific and technological knowledge; to do this, they implement strategies based generally on quantitative indicators - educational coverage, student mobility, terminal efficiency, follow-up to graduates - rarely considering the opinion of students to drive continuous improvement. The objective is to measure the importance and level of satisfaction that graduate students enrolled in the Standard of Excellence de la National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) at a public university located in the Southeast Mexico give to the university services they receive. The study is of a non-experimental descriptive type with quantitative approach applying a questionnaire validated through the Cronbach Alpha of 0.935 and 0.951 for the importance and satisfaction variables, respectively. The results reflect that students place greater importance on educational services and their level of satisfaction is higher in terms of academic organization, administrative and teaching quality. It is concluded that the importance of the services that students receive, if it has an effect on the satisfaction of the same.
Keywords : institutional quality; student satisfaction; educational satisfaction.