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vol.1 número18Ampliando el enfoque de la soberanía: Fuerzas Armadas de Ecuador frente al crimen organizado transnacionalNoción de Estado fallido: consecuencias jurídicas desde el derecho internacional y constitucional ecuatoriano, 2019-2022 índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Estado & comunes, revista de políticas y problemas públicos

versão On-line ISSN 2477-9245versão impressa ISSN 1390-8081


ARELLANO CEBALLOS, Aideé Consuelo; CUEVAS MUNIZ, Alicia  e  DELGADILLO GRAJEDA, Arnoldo. Young university students, violence and insecurity in Colima-Mexico: approach from social representations and vulnerabilities. E&c [online]. 2024, vol.1, n.18, pp.123-139. ISSN 2477-9245.

This article reflects on how violence and public insecurity experienced by young people in the state of Colima -particularly the municipalities of Colima-Villa de Álvarez- influence their attitude, information, and image of these criminal acts. This approach considers the theory of representations and vulnerabilities (social, educational, institutional, and psychosocial). The findings come from surveys and interviews with young people studying at the University of Colima. The representation that each young person has of insecurity will depend on the type of vulnerability they experience: absence or lack of information, their (in)capacities to face risk situations and the state’s strategies to provide protection. According to the study, young people in this locality resort to psycho-social capacities such as alertness, isolation, caution, and a sense of loss of freedom. The authors suggest that going unnoticed by delinquency would be a mechanism for their survival.

Palavras-chave : young university students; Colima-Villa de Álvarez; social representations; differential vulnerabilities; violence; citizen insecurity.

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