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Índex, revista de arte contemporáneo

versión On-line ISSN 2477-9199versión impresa ISSN 1390-4825


CAZAR, Katya. Scorching the Earth. Rosell Meseguer y Fabiano Kueva. Índex [online]. 2022, n.14, pp.135-141. ISSN 2477-9199.

Rosell Meseguer: Meseguer research into a mining archaeology, in the millenary footprint of the mineral layers that tell us the history underground, what happened on Earth, in the ashes. Meseguer’s works selected in this curatorship, narrate what has transpired in underground nature - they relate mining extraction from a critical angle and, on a poetic level, propose an archeology of abandoned spaces; the desert postcard caused by men that goes through diggings of longed for wealth, where the myth in search of treasures, generates a devastating mythology.Fabiano Kueva: Fire has always been life, with its powerful and ephemeral energy; creates and destroys, makes and unmakes, shelters and disappears; the fire in Fabiano Kueva’s work, is the instrument of a performative act, where the results are of a deep impression, which leaves vestiges in the memory; it is also a poetic and political gesture, because when burning a text there is no void, but a trace, the artist deconstructs the superficial layer of the text and its primary linguistics, drops it and makes a mark that denotes another semiotic of what does not change and it leads us to another text that demands a vanishing point, the images of the video are static variables of time in the chaotic and wandering city.

Palabras clave : Earth; Fire; Text; Criticism; Protest; Poetics; Politics; Images; Photography; Video; Travel; Displacement.

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