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Índex, revista de arte contemporáneo

versión On-line ISSN 2477-9199versión impresa ISSN 1390-4825


CHAMBERS, Rodolfo Kronfle. Karina Skvirsky-Aguilera. N.A.S.A.L. Índex [online]. 2022, n.14, pp.127-134. ISSN 2477-9199.

Karina Skvirsky-Aguilera's work considers the particularity and complexity of the individual in opposition to the essentialists views favored to approach ethnic and racial discourses. This text explores the idea of ​​dislocated and fluctuating identities that her work raises in the face of standardizing and reductive notions that are increasingly unrealistic in the contemporary world. The artist invites us to rethink concepts such as “cultural affiliation” that today are problematic in societies that seem out of touch with their own imaginaries of roots, origin and provenance, and that are nevertheless common currency in the ideologies that crisscross the political arena.

Palabras clave : Roots; Identity; Race; Photography; Video Art; Archaeology; Ethnic Art; Indigenous Art; Contemporary Art.

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