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Índex, revista de arte contemporáneo

versión On-line ISSN 2477-9199versión impresa ISSN 1390-4825


LUSARDI, Giada. 61st July Hall. Guayaquil Foundation. Índex [online]. 2022, n.14, pp.113-126. ISSN 2477-9199.

Abstract: The July Hall of Guayaquil, with its 61st edition, is one of the oldest and most relevant contests in the Ecuadorian art scene. Since its foundation in 1959, it was established as a Painting Hall, a characterization known until today, assuming the pictorial language as an expressive means of the field of contemporary art. This curatorial text introduced the public to the 61st edition of the Salon, which opened on July 22, 2022, at the Municipal Museum of Guayaquil under the direction of curator Giada Lusardi. In this edition the international selection juries participated: Carolina Castro (Chile), Direlia Lazo (Cuba - Miami) and Alma Cardoso (Mexico), who selected 24 artists from different provinces of the country: José Luis Chóez Peñafiel, Juan Carlos Fernández (Mago), Francesca Fruci, Dayana Garrido, Ilowasky Ganchala, Bryan Gavilanes, Pedro Gavilanes Sellan, Cristhian Godoy, Jimmy Lara, Isabel Llaguno Albán, José Luis Macas Paredes, Harold Maridueña, Teo Monsalve, Sisa Morán, Deborah Morillo, Francesca Palma, Mateo Del Pozo, Glenda Rosero Andrade, Oswaldo Terreros, David Federico Uttermann, Raymundo Valdez, Andrés Velásquez Dután, Juanca Vargas and Daniel Zambrano.

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