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Índex, revista de arte contemporáneo
On-line version ISSN 2477-9199Print version ISSN 1390-4825
BRAVO, Valentina Inostroza and RAMOS, Javiera Morales. House(s): Meetings, wounds, and refuges. Índex [online]. 2022, n.14, pp.33-43. ISSN 2477-9199.
Meetings, wounds, and refuges represent three ways to signify the house through artistic practice, showcasing diverse problematics which are crossed by affections and inhabiting the mundane, erasing the frontier between the public and private, the domestic and the artistic. In this regard, this text examines: the search of 'home', related to migratory experiences in Wilkellys Pirela's piece, Embarcación del territorio (Territory's Ship, 2018-2021); the collapse of housing, as a reflection of a system that turns away and nullifies housekeeping, through Serlit Jamett's series, Modo Doméstico (Domestic Way, 2022); and finally, the configuration of a space which boards the convergence between art and life through the project ,coma (,comma, 2020-), managed by Dominga del Campo, Elisita Balbontín, Daniela Hermosillo, and Jan Vormann.
Keywords : House; Affections; Inhabiting; Public-private; Territory.