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Índex, revista de arte contemporáneo
On-line version ISSN 2477-9199Print version ISSN 1390-4825
PUENTE, Carlos Eduardo Montalvo and TORRE, Saralhue Acevedo Gómez de la. SEALS: The power of the Icon. A contemporary vision of the ceramic seals in the collection of Casa del Alabado Pre-Columbian Art Museum. Índex [online]. 2022, n.13, pp.165-190. ISSN 2477-9199.
This paper presents an approach to the research processes, development of curatorial concepts and connections with the contemporary world related to the materiality and use of archeological objects, built up around the temporary exhibition of Casa del Alabado Pre-Columbian Art Museum, SEALS: The power of the Icon. The purpose of the museum with this exhibition is the integration of conventional research processes with innovative technologies like 3D printing and digital documentation of the seals. The curatorial goal is to show the visual and aesthetic richness of these artifacts, discuss the forms of use and materials suited to be marked, and about the circulation of their graphic languages. The exhibition establishes a direct contact between publics, artists and researchers, bringing pre-columbian artifacts of high importance to the contemporary context.
Keywords : Ceramic seals; pintaderas; new technologies; archaeology; pre-columbian art; iconography.