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Índex, revista de arte contemporáneo

versión On-line ISSN 2477-9199versión impresa ISSN 1390-4825


HERNANDEZ, Amalina Bomnin. The Ecuadorian jungle, or the rest, visit the museum. Índex [online]. 2021, n.11, pp.171-177. ISSN 2477-9199.

The review is a critical approach to the exhibition Landscape / Territory. Imaginaries of the jungle in the visual arts” (Ecuador: 1907-2019), which was exhibited at the Anthropological and Contemporary Art Museum (MAAC), curated by Ana Rosa Valdéz. Two of the aspects that stand out in the considerations are: the inappropriate use of the exhibition space, in a curatorial exercise that aims to account for the invisibility of the Ecuadorian jungle, and the need to enhance the undisciplined character that the included proposals entail, for the sake of a situated and disruptive curatorship.

Palabras clave : jungle; territory; context; ecological; landscape; critical; space.

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