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Índex, revista de arte contemporáneo

versión On-line ISSN 2477-9199versión impresa ISSN 1390-4825


BOMNIN, Amalina. Saskia Calderón: performance as an artivist platform. Índex [online]. 2020, n.9, pp.20-26. ISSN 2477-9199.

The effervescence of artivisms, during the last years, after they occupied a central place back in the decades of the '60s and' 70s of the last century, takes place, within a global context where questioning about the effectiveness of art in the face of themes such as social sustainability, the pressing problems of gender, race, territory, populism and pandemics. In this framework, the work of the Ecuadorian performer Saskia Calderón constitutes a unique case of what a proposal that stands as a “Trojan horse” can be. The text underlines the atypical nature of his work within a setting that has been reluctant to make the performance visible, thanks to various reasons. Her practice is articulated as a situated work, due to the pertinence of her approaches and the subtlety of her approach as civic artivism.

Palabras clave : performance; artivism; politics; cannibal candy; speech; monument; body; public.

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