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Índex, revista de arte contemporáneo

versión On-line ISSN 2477-9199versión impresa ISSN 1390-4825


VEGA, Roberto  y  FLORES, Pilar. Dialogue as method. Índex [online]. 2019, n.7, pp.166-174. ISSN 2477-9199.

This article refers to the exchange of ideas between Pilar Flores and Roberto Vega, this exchange is expressed in conversations, notes and images that have become texts. In them, thought has been built through reflections supported by pivotal ideas and conceptual elements that enhance the language of images and lead to identify the possibilities of artistic creation. In this process, writing has become the artwork, understood as a complex system, that feeds on unusual connections, change and instability, and which is built from uncertainty, doubt and intuition.

Palabras clave : Conversations; writing; dialogue; system; change; instability; uncertainty; doubt; intuition.

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