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 número5Educación Artística e Institución Universitaria: Una Relación Paradójica.El pro-ducir del Diseño. índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Índex, revista de arte contemporáneo

versión On-line ISSN 2477-9199versión impresa ISSN 1390-4825


REY-SOMOZA, Nuria. Experience and teaching approach for dealing the decolonial practice from contemporary visual aesthetics. Índex [online]. 2018, n.5, pp.20-29. ISSN 2477-9199.

The views within the colonial thought strengthen the idea of equality between societies from the importance of respecting the differences and balance its historical value. The fact of including these proposals in the educational context allows building new social and collective imaginary to rethink their own culture from a critical perspective. The text shows how the aesthetic can be a determining factor in this colonial turn to search a social identity in the ecuadorian university context. This paper exposes also the didactic proposal implemented under this theme, as well as the conclusions of this experience.

Palabras clave : art education; decolonial aesthetic; critical pedagogy; university.

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