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Revista Economía y Política
versión On-line ISSN 2477-9075
GUAMAN, Jessica; LARA, Estefanía; ALVARADO, Rafael y PONCE, Pablo. Effect of the human development bonus on health and education expenditure in ecuador using propensity score matching. Revista Economía y Política [online]. 2019, n.30, pp.28-47. Epub 03-Jul-2019. ISSN 2477-9075.
The objective of this research is to evaluate the effect of the Human Development Bonus on health and education spending in Ecuador using Propensity Score Matching. We use microdata obtained from the Living Conditions Survey 2013-2014 published by the INEC. We estimate two sets of models, OLS regressions and discrete choice models. The results show that BDH beneficiaries spend less on health and education than those who do not. The results show consistency with the inclusion of socio-demographic control variables. One possible policy implication is that conditional cash transfer is not necessarily meeting program objectives. Consequently, social policies should ensure that these types of programs are not an instrument of dependence that limits individual capacities because this limit the reduction of poverty and inequality.
Palabras clave : Human Development Bonus; PSM; Health; Education; Ecuador.