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vol.10 número2Atributos físicos y fisiológicos de las semillas de café (Coffea arabica L)Entre huellas de dinosaurios y patrimonio inmaterial. El turismo como alternativa para los habitantes de Huatacondo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2477-8850


JIMENEZ, Paola Erandi Saucedo; CASTREJON, Yanelli Daniela Palmas  y  RUIZ, Andrea Edurne Jiménez. Earth markets as a strategy for sustainable gastronomy. Siembra [online]. 2023, vol.10, n.2, e5366. ISSN 2477-8850.

The purpose of this article is to explain the bases of sustainable gastronomy and its relationship with slow food´s earth markets, taking as an example the case of the Toluca Alternative Green Market and the impact it has on the Valle de Toluca´s community in obtaining sustainable gastronomy. To obtain the results, a theoretical research with a qualitative approach was used, with a documentary and field environment experimental strategy. An instrument was applied to 16 members of the Earth Market, whom were selected taking into consideration that the main turn of their project complied with the gastronomic axis necessary for the project. Additionally, participant observation was conducted during a year. According to the results obtained, both inputs and collaborators, as well as customers represent fundamental parts of a sustainable gastronomy, each one of them with certain peculiarities, including the “zero waste generation”, short supply chains and marketing, among others. It is concluded that in order for a gastronomy to be sustainable inside an Earth Market, three elements must be related: inputs, collaborators, and consumers, each with its own characteristics.

Palabras clave : sustainable gastronomy; slow food; earth markets..

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