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vol.9 número1Áreas verdes y arbolado en la zona urbana del cantón Portoviejo, provincia de Manabí, EcuadorRendimiento agronómico de ocho cultivares de yacón [Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp. & Endl.) H. Rob.] del norte peruano índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 2477-8850


CANTUNA GUALLICHICO, Sandy Viviana; MATANGO PROANO, Luis David; CORELLA HIDALGO, Verónica Paulina  e  AVILA SALEM, María Eugenia. Rediseño de un sendero interpretativo turístico para la observación de anfibios y aplicación de herramientas lúdicas evaluativas en la empresa de biocomercio Wikiri, cantón Rumiñahui. Siembra [online]. 2022, vol.9, n.1, e3704. ISSN 2477-8850.

This research work indicates the results of two touristic proposals for the ecuadorian company, Wikiri (a private company dedicated to the sustainable biotrade of amphibian species from Ecuador). The first proposal corresponded to the redesign of the environmental interpretation trail existing in Wikiri for the in situ observation of amphibians; the second proposal corresponded to the application of recreational tools to determine the knowledge level acquired by visitors at the end of the tours in the company and, above all, to create a critical thinking about environmental conservation. The research was carried out under a mixed approach, with the application of a survey, interviews, bibliographic search and field visits. For this, 92 responses were obtained from people who have visited the Wikiri facilities. The obtained results show the diagnosis of the visitors to the company, the visitors profile and their interest, the current state of the trail in order to propose its redesign with its respective signage. These are key aspects on which the company should focus to increase the number of visits. Finally, the ideal playful tools were determined, to be applied at Wikiri Frogpark to evaluate the knowledge acquired by its visitors.

Palavras-chave : Wikiri; touristic trail; recreational tools; amphibians; conservation.

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