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vol.9 número1Evaluación del uso de microorganismos de montaña activados en el cultivo de rosas, Zinacantán, Chiapas, MéxicoAplicación de índices vegetales (banda roja e infrarrojo cercano) en plantaciones de aguacate índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 2477-8850


QUEZADA TOBAR, Marco David; LUJAN JOHNSON, Gladys Lola  e  SEGOVIA CHILIQUINGA, Gerardo Javier. Análisis del patrimonio gastronómico como herramienta de desarrollo sostenible en Santa Elena-Ecuador. Siembra [online]. 2022, vol.9, n.1, e3592. ISSN 2477-8850.

This research is focused on describing the perception about gastronomic heritage and how this legacy has influenced the sustainable development of Santa Elena Canton in Santa Elena province, Ecuador. One of the objectives was to develop a theoretical functional model that explains the sustainable development based on the local gastronomic heritage. The study is basic-projective research, non-experimental design and has a sample size of population with 384 people, according to the Santa Elena population, with whom two instruments were applied to collect information. The first instrument referring to gastronomic heritage has 21 items and the second instrument referring to sustainable development based on gastronomic heritage has 22 items. It was possible to describe that the state of the gastronomic heritage within citizen perception was about 60%, and considered as vital, but with two of its dimensions with less incidence these are knowledge and organization. Likewise, the state of sustainable development due 84% of survey respondents describe it as weak or regular, having more deficiency the environmental and economic development. Additionally, the influence of the gastronomic heritage on sustainable development was evident in 77.1%. The model is constituted by elements of the gastronomic heritage, which are organizational, knowledge, symbolic and emotional dimensions that will allow the development of the local public policy to promote sustainable development by the gastronomic heritage, constituted by eleven articles.

Palavras-chave : food; identity; progress; culinary; culture.

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