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vol.6 número1Efecto de la suplementación en vacas de pastoreo sobre la producción, eficiencia del uso y costo beneficioAnálisis de la demanda de los visitantes que realizaron turismo idiomático en la ciudad de Cuenca-Ecuador en el año 2015 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2477-8850


QUISIRUMBAY GAIBOR, Jimmy Rolando. Ácido fólico: requerimientos e importancia en cerdas y lechones. Siembra [online]. 2019, vol.6, n.1, pp.24-31. ISSN 2477-8850.

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin belonging to the group of complex B, whose importance in the organism is given by its capacity to transport units of carbon, for the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids. Its deficiency causes developmental delay and anemia in growing animals, and in pregnant sows, it produces bad congenital formations in its offspring. Dietary supplementation of folic acid has been shown to improve reproductive efficiency and productive performance in pigs. At present, there are several nutritional guides that publish the suggested levels of folic acid in sows and piglets. The objective of the preparation of this review is to provide a source of information that presents in a summarized and concrete way the importance of folic acid in the nutrition of sows and piglets allowing the nutritionist to elaborate a diet that includes the adequate levels of this vitamin. The folic acid requirements for sows are between 1.3 to 5.5 mg/kg of feed and for piglets, the range is between 0.3 to 3 mg/kg. Due to the variability in the content of this vitamin in the main ingredients used in swine feeding, it is necessary to include it in the feed through a vitamin pre-mix.

Palabras clave : feeding; nutrition; pigs; vitamins; folic acid.

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