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versão On-line ISSN 2477-8850
HERRERA RAMIREZ, Carlos David; HIDROBO LUNA, Jaime Ramiro e BASANTES MORALES, Emilio Rodrigo. Evaluación del efecto de la asociación de coberturas vegetales vivas sobre el cultivo de uvilla (Physalis peruviana L.) en Huaca, provincia del Carchi, Ecuador. Siembra [online]. 2016, vol.3, n.1, pp.91-100. ISSN 2477-8850.
The purpose of the research was to evaluate the effect of plant species associate as cover soils cultivated with uvilla (Physalis peruviana L), to prevent evaporation, erosion and improve the nutritional contribution to fruit. The studied factor was the living mulch and soil treatments were evaluated: T1 alfalfa (Medicago sativa), T2 white clover (Trifolium repens), T3 ryegrass (Perennial loliun), ryegrass + clover T4, T5 control (conventional management) distributed in a design of a randomized complete block (four repetitions). The variables analyzed were: arrest of uvilla, height, main stem diameter, leaf area, yield, fruit quality, erosion levels and nitrogen content in the soil. The results indicated that treatment was T1 whose plant cover alfalfa, uvilla performance reached 7.83 t / ha, while in Q3 which was the ryegrass plant cover the uvilla reached 0.52 tons / ha . In the case of soil erosion, the leading treatments were: T3 and T4, which received less hoeing and had greater ability to cover the ground, although they competed aggressively for nutrients (especially nitrogen) and space with uvilla, which affected their performance; hence the T1 Alfalfa is the most recommended because it did not pre- sent statistical differences in erosion, and contributes nitrogen input, through the process of biological fixation, favoring nutrient cycling in the agricultural system and generates a suitable space for the development of fruit.
Palavras-chave : Golden berry; vegetation cover; alfalfa-golden berry; andean fruit.