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Estoa. Revista de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Cuenca

On-line version ISSN 1390-9274Print version ISSN 1390-7263


ANDRADE, Galo Carrión; CARDENAS, José Urgilés; SANCHEZ, Macarena Montes  and  CARDENAS, Juan Urgilés. Visualizing the differences. Analysis of the street names of Cuenca City, Ecuador. Estoa [online]. 2023, vol.12, n.23, pp.71-89. ISSN 1390-9274.

In Cuenca (Ecuador), the street naming practice continues to be a controversial issue as part of its development as a city and in the proposal of public policies. This work analyzes the nomenclatures of the city streets using information visualization as a critical tool.

Through an interdisciplinary methodology, which includes critical-historical analysis, gender perspective, and information visualization, this article shows the categorization process for the classification of streets in the urban area of Cuenca. The proposed graphics and interactive maps-six in total-allow a reading of the categories by their statistical content, geolocation, or length, among other parameters. In this sense, the role played by data visualization as a communication tool makes possible new narratives and ways of seeing the city.

Keywords : city, Street Names; Data Visualization; Gender Perspective; Odonymies.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )