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ALTERIDAD.Revista de Educación

versão On-line ISSN 1390-8642versão impressa ISSN 1390-325X


GUAYASAMIN, Katherine  e  INGA, Esteban. Flipped Learning as an educational tool for enhancing english language. Alteridad [online]. 2024, vol.19, n.1, pp.97-115. ISSN 1390-8642.

This article aims to examine the effectiveness of Flipped Learning (FL) as a methodology for teaching English subjects to seventh-grade students. The study suggests that FL fosters an active and engaging learning environment by encouraging students to take control of their learning process. While the teacher remains the primary facilitator, they guide students and provide continuous, hands-on assessment. Research shows that applying the FL model promotes student participation and interaction with the teacher, thus improving student engagement. The methodology section of this article describes the processes followed to collect data, starting with a bibliometric analysis to build the state of the art, followed by an experimental approach to evaluate the method. A Likert-scale survey was used to measure student perceptions and opinions, proving an effective data collection method. A quantitative approach was used to assess students’ perceptions of LF. The results reveal that FL is an effective methodology that improves student engagement, motivation, and learning outcomes. Consequently, the analysis suggests that FL is an innovative didactic approach that can improve student motivation and learning outcomes by designing and implementing innovative pedagogical strategies.

Palavras-chave : flipped learning; education innovation; pedagogical technology integration; active learning; ICT for Education; digital environments..

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