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vol.19 número1Producción de un juego digital como movilizador de la formación inicial docenteExperiencia educativa en modelización para docentes de matemática en Panamá índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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ALTERIDAD.Revista de Educación

versão On-line ISSN 1390-8642versão impressa ISSN 1390-325X


INGLADA RODRIGUEZ, Neus; BREDA, Adriana  e  SALA-SEBASTIA, Gemma. Guideline for reflecting on and improving the teaching of functions. Alteridad [online]. 2024, vol.19, n.1, pp.46-57. ISSN 1390-8642.

Teachers should have the competence to reflect on their own practice. The Ontosemiotic Approach offers as a tool for this purpose the “Didactic Suitability Criteria”. The objectives of the research are to refine the indicators of epistemic suitability and to deepen the epistemic dimension of the meta-didactic-mathematical knowledge of secondary school mathematics teachers in initial training. To this end, research on the object function in secondary education has been examined. In a mixed way, we have analysed, in 119 “Final Projects of the Master’s Degree (FPMD) in Secondary Mathematics Teacher Training (Catalonia, Spain)” on functions, the reflection that future teachers make on their teaching, from the epistemic suitability. Based on these analyses, the adequacy of the epistemic suitability for analysing the mathematical object function is designed. Finally, the FPMDs are reanalysed with this new guideline and it is found that their reflections present important weaknesses that could influence the quality of their instructional processes. It is concluded that if mathematics teachers were provided with a specialised guideline that makes it easier for them to consider all the meanings, representations and processes involved in the complexity of the functions, as well as the mathematical practices in which these emerge, it would improve the quality of the design, implementation, and reflection on their instructional processes.

Palavras-chave : mathematics education; secondary teacher education; initial teacher training; functional analysis; epistemology; Didactic Suitability Criteria..

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