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ALTERIDAD.Revista de Educación

versão On-line ISSN 1390-8642versão impressa ISSN 1390-325X


FELIZ, Laura; CARRASCAL, Silvia; VIEIRA, Daniela Melaré  e  VALENTE,, Paula. Distance Vocational Training for employability in Spain, Portugal and Dominican Republic. Alteridad [online]. 2023, vol.18, n.2, pp.234-247. ISSN 1390-8642.

Vocational Education and Training aims at developing students’ knowledge and skills for insertion in the labour market. Portugal is currently redesigning its model to meet the new demands of the economy, society and business. In Spain, a major transformation has taken place with a focus on initial and continuous teacher training, as well as the design and implementation of a new legal structure for the organisation and integration of Vocational Education and Training, while the Dominican Republic is working on the adoption of a more practical and experiential training model. This study determines the key aspects to ensure the development of a new, more personalised instructional model based on the development of individual competencies, potential and talent. A qualitative methodology has been used through an integrative and interdisciplinary literature and document review. The results show that there is a great diversity of models and specializations worldwide, which makes the internationalization of Vocational Education and Training relevant to broaden discussions on the subject within the current context. As a conclusion, the pillars for a comprehensive training strategy have been identified.

Palavras-chave : Vocational Training; distance training; employability; Dominician Republic; Spain; Portugal..

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