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ALTERIDAD.Revista de Educación

versão On-line ISSN 1390-8642versão impressa ISSN 1390-325X


ZAMBRANO-TRUJILLO, Stefany Lissette; LARA-LARA, Fernando  e  CANO DE LA CRUZ, Yullio. Multigrade teachers in Esmeraldas (Ecuador): a silenced reality. Alteridad [online]. 2022, vol.17, n.2, pp.304-317. ISSN 1390-8642.

The existence of single-teacher or multi-grade teachers in rural areas of Ecuador is part of the daily reality of education. The lack of recognition by the administration leads to political and institutional discrimination that calls intercultural education into question. The unidocente activity in rural Ecuador faces complex and differentiated challenges compared to traditional teaching, as in these cases, multiple levels (1-7) of basic education are taught by a single teacher. This task is largely carried out by women who are unfamiliar with the cultural conditions of these places, and in many cases do not have the necessary qualifications. This paper aims to give a voice to 7 single-teacher women teachers from the coastal area of Ecuador according to Brumat's (2011) proposal, who work in the rural parish of La Unión, belonging to the Quinindé canton, in the province of Esmeraldas. Especially with regard to their training and insertion in the rural context. A qualitative and exploratory study was carried out. The data collection instrument consisted of a semi-structured interview, and its analysis was carried out using the MAXQDA programme. The daily life of these teachers can be characterised by feelings of loneliness and isolation, and a difficult coexistence in disadvantaged sectors where the cultural complex, gender and racial discrimination and discrimination based on place of origin are deeply rooted.

Palavras-chave : Rural education; gender discrimination; educational administration; multigraded classes; Equator; intercultural dialogue.

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