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ALTERIDAD.Revista de Educación

On-line version ISSN 1390-8642Print version ISSN 1390-325X


FUNEME, Cristian  and  LOPEZ, Luz. Didactic-mathematical knowledge of some teachers about prime numbers. Alteridad [online]. 2022, vol.17, n.2, pp.208-223. ISSN 1390-8642.

The study of the teacher's knowledge has become one of the most relevant lines of research nowadays, considering that it encompasses different factors that have a direct implication in the teaching and learning processes. Considering the above, the objective was to establish the mathematics teacher's knowledge of prime numbers through the Didactic-Mathematical Knowledge Model (CDM). For this purpose, a case study was carried out in which five teachers who work in basic secondary education in different educational institutions in Colombia were taken as the unit of analysis. For the design of instruments and the analysis of the information, the indicators of didactic-mathematical knowledge of the CDM were taken and three situations related to epistemic, cognitive, affective, interactional, mediational, and ecological elements of prime numbers were designed. From the analysis made by the teachers to the situations, concrete elements emerged that revealed the teachers' knowledge regarding prime numbers and some factors that evidence their difficulty in handling the connection of this type of numbers with other objects of mathematics. In addition, it is concluded that teachers do not manage to give students a broad vision of the meaning of these numbers by not knowing cognitive and epistemic elements that make possible their management in the classroom.

Keywords : Knowledge; didactics; onto-semiotic approach; educational indicator; prime number; mathematical object.

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