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ALTERIDAD.Revista de Educación

On-line version ISSN 1390-8642Print version ISSN 1390-325X


DE SOUSA MENDES, Diego; DE LIMA, Marcio Roberto  and  REIS DE FREITAS, Tamara Aparecida. Gamification, “I have no idea what it is”: a study in the Physical Education Initial Teacher Training. Alteridad [online]. 2022, vol.17, n.1, pp.12-23. ISSN 1390-8642.

The implementation of didactic strategies that involve the imbrications of elements and specific languages of digital culture in the context of teacher training is an indispensable condition for the renewal of contemporary pedagogical action. This research aimed to identify relevant elements in a teaching process developed with 24 teachers in initial training (TIT) regarding gamification. This study consolidated a Case Study structured from the pedagogical experiences developed during the “Physical Education Teaching Methodology III.” The empirical data were produced through classroom observations with records in a field diary and digital audio recordings of debates held, which were transcribed. This corpus was submitted to a Content Analysis mediated by the ATLAS.ti software. The results indicated that the learning process about gamification developed from the experience of creating gamified classes. The presence, emphasis, or absence of certain game elements revealed the understanding that the TIT group established concerning thematic. It is also noteworthy that the association of gamified actions to digital technologies boosted education development in digital culture. Finally, the experience is undertaken forged possibilities of meaning and learning by assuming communication and reflection as mediating elements of gamified pedagogical actions.

Keywords : Gamification; teacher; training; teaching; education.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )