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ALTERIDAD.Revista de Educación
On-line version ISSN 1390-8642Print version ISSN 1390-325X
VALDES-PINO, Mauricio Andrés; CALVO-ALVAREZ, María Isabel and MARTINEZ-ABAD, Fernando. Inclusive training of elementary teachers in three chilean regions. Alteridad [online]. 2021, vol.16, n.1, pp.117-129. ISSN 1390-8642.
The initial training of elementary teacher in Chile has been a topic that has been under discussion for many years, however, it has not been adjusted to the requirements of the latest legislation implemented to address an inclusive education (inclusion law Decree No. 83 and updates to Decree No. 170), as well as not being adjusted to the needs and requirements of those who are at the forefront in each classroom with their students. This article aims to analyze and identify the training needs for inclusion of graduate teachers between 2008 and 2018. A questionnaire prepared ad hoc, with a descriptive design (n = 118) was applied to teachers. The results indicate the theoretical and methodological training needs, with a predominance in the methodological aspects that allow teachers to work with various strategic designs that promote self-learning or collaborative work, implement curricular adaptations required by decree 83, generate individual educational plans , that allow to focus learning on the person, know the importance of virtual spaces to promote inclusive education and highlight the importance of human resources (psycho-pedagogue, psychologist, differential educator or others), to facilitate work with students with SEN Therefore, this research will allow training institutions to adapt their training to these needs and generate initial and ongoing training projects for teachers in Chile.
Keywords : Education and training; teacher training; special education; primary teacher training; advanced training; basic training.