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ALTERIDAD.Revista de Educación
On-line version ISSN 1390-8642Print version ISSN 1390-325X
MAUREIRA-CABRERA, Oscar; VASQUEZ-ASTUDILLO, Mario; GARRIDO-VALDENEGRO, Francisco and OLIVARES-SILVA, María José. Evaluation and co-evaluation of learning in b-learning in higher education. Alteridad [online]. 2020, vol.15, n.2, pp.190-203. ISSN 1390-8642.
The study examines the use of technological tools to implement self and peer-assessment based on students´ autonomous learning and formal evaluation carried out by the teacher, taking advantage of the potential of instant feedback from the tools available in Virtual Learning Environments (VLE). The extensive implementation of VLE in higher education makes blended learning an emergent modality, automating and facilitating the monitoring of learning progress, through the pedagogical management of effective practices. The innovation proposal aims at fostering students’ autonomy and their central role in the achievement of their learning. The methodological design is correlational seeking to establish the association between the preparation of questions and online test resolution by the students and their level in performance tests administered by the teacher. It was carried out in six groups of the 2016 and 2017 cohorts in the Educational Research subject within initial teacher training programs at a Chilean university. The main results show a significant correlation between the use of the virtual environment in the construction and application of a self and peer assessment instruments in a test- typed format and their results in performance tests. It is concluded that student learning is enhanced by integrating assessment as part of the teacher training process with an active and autonomous role of students supported by educational technologies.
Keywords : Autonomy; online evaluation; co-evaluation; learning; blended learning; higher education.