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vol.14 issue2Ecuadorian Intercultural Education: a conceptual reviewThe type of participation promoted in schools is a constraint factor for inclusive education author indexsubject indexarticles search
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ALTERIDAD.Revista de Educación

On-line version ISSN 1390-8642Print version ISSN 1390-325X


MACARENA RODRIGUEZ, Nuria  and  OSSOLA, María Macarena. University tutoring and intercultural education: debates and experiences. Alteridad [online]. 2019, vol.14, n.2, pp.172-183. ISSN 1390-8642.

This article reflects about the meanings which assumes the University Tutoring for indigenous students and tutors peer, who have participated of this instance during their degree courses development at the National University of Salta (Argentine). The objective is to recognize what are the contributions of the tutoring in the retention and university graduation of the indigenous youth, as well as its impact on the formulation of an intercultural education proposal at the university level. The methodology is qualitative, and a case study is analyzed in which the socio-school trajectories of two indigenous students and two tutors peer are partially reconstructed. The results indicate that the tutoring make up a formative space in itself, where knowledge and skills are transmitted from which the students appropriate at different times of their academic and work trajectories. In the conclusions it is emphasized that the tutoring for indigenous peoples constitute an area in which intercultural relations are built and negotiated on a daily basis.

Keywords : Intercultural education; university; tutoring; students; indigenous peoples; youth.

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