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ALTERIDAD.Revista de Educación
versión On-line ISSN 1390-8642versión impresa ISSN 1390-325X
ORREGO NORENA, Jhon Fredy y JARAMILLO OCAMPO, Diego Armando. Education, body and alterity Meetings face to face for the formation of the other. Alteridad [online]. 2019, vol.14, n.1, pp.89-97. ISSN 1390-8642.
Cannot possible think, do and / or transform education out of the relationship with the Other; you cannot assume education without the pretense of “form” the Other or at least try, as if such a thing were possible. Education, as a practical transmission of knowledge (also transmission of culture, languages, ways and ways of being and living, to appoint and be appointed), but above all, is a scene of encounter with the Other, which depend on the conception of the subject and the world you have, the development of a training bet. This encounter implies a transformation, rupture, leave of the subject of an ontology that chains the subject to a cruel utilitarianism, to go further, to a scenario in which the subject no longer finds himself alone, but finds himself with Other, radically different from him. There, an education that exceeds the pre-eminence of knowledge and starts from a relationship with the Other is possible. This perspective, addressed from the proposals of the philosopher Emmanuel Levinas and Joan Carles Mèlich, can pass through a moral education based on knowledge, rules and socially accepted to a putting on the training needs of individuals who respond responsibly to education and other ethical values.
Palabras clave : Education; alterity; ethics; responsibility; fostering; body.