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ALTERIDAD.Revista de Educación

versão On-line ISSN 1390-8642versão impressa ISSN 1390-325X


PENICHE CETZAL, Rubi Surema  e  RAMON MAC, Cristóbal Crescencio. Performance academic and experiences of Mayan university students on Yucatan, Mexico. Alteridad [online]. 2018, vol.13, n.1, pp.120-131. ISSN 1390-8642.

This research was performed under a qualitative methodology, using the collective case study. It describes the academic experiences that have been characterized with outstanding academic performance, college students emphasizing their difficulties and strategies used to weigh such situations. The participants were three Mayan University students of a public University in Yucatan, Mexico. The semi-structured interview and the field journal as data collection techniques was used. Apparently, all three cases is facing economic issue as a main problem in their vocational training; the difficulty of using the equipment and technological resources, criticism of the personal appearance by others, and the lack of support and credibility by parents for prepare professionally were identified like obstacles. Despite this, students considered that a proper organization of the time, a proper communication with professors, personal self-management, as well as the frequent use of the institutional mentoring and scholarship programs it excellence, allow them to lessen the difficulties and achieve good results as University students. Many of the findings were similar in the literature that had been reported in previous years and it is regrettable to still observe today.

Palavras-chave : Higher education; academic performance; social inequality; poverty; social vulnerability; Yucatan; Mexico.

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