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Universitas-XXI, Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas

versión On-line ISSN 1390-8634versión impresa ISSN 1390-3837


CRUZ-VAZQUEZ, Alfredo  y  RAMOS-ROJAS, Diego Noel. Information, comunication and COVID-19: a literature review of seeking models from academic libraries. Universitas [online]. 2023, n.38, pp.167-190. ISSN 1390-8634.

The present text offers an approach from various theoretical and empirical references close to academic libraries; around the challenges they face from their object of research: the users of information. A relationship is proposed that can be aimed at a dialogue with digital culture and the comunication field, seeking to establish a framework of encounter based on the adaptation that academic libraries have had to incrementally complex information environments. The circulation of information from various sources and approaches in everyday life represents a multiple challenge to produce knowledge and in the case of libraries. The pandemic by COVID-19 puts the subjectivity of the information process back at the center of the discussion, which is accentuated in contexts where uncertainty and the multiplicity of meanings prevail to interpret it. From a literature review and the selection of models of informational behavior and user studies, clues were detected to study digital culture from a research perspective of academic libraries. The argumentation developed allowed to detect clues to find an entry framework for the study of users from an interdisciplinary construction between communication, health and information sciences.

Palabras clave : Information; libraries; users; subjectivity; searches.

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