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Sophia, Colección de Filosofía de la Educación

On-line version ISSN 1390-8626Print version ISSN 1390-3861


OVIEDO OVIEDO, Marlon Alexis. Education during Covid from Thomas Popkewitz’s social epistemology. Sophia [online]. 2021, n.31, pp.211-235. ISSN 1390-8626.

This article uses social epistemology to interpret Ecuadorian educational activity during the COVID-19. Through this theory / methodology developed by the American academic Thomas Popkewitz, it is sought to understand the educational moment of Ecuadorian education inscribed in the dynamics imposed by the pandemic. The article studies the ways taken by different educational concepts, how they become more acute, more visible, how they lose their subtlety, or how these are confirmed. Two objectives are achieved. On the one hand, to present social epistemology as an interpretative research perspective, not so widespread in our environment. On the other, to study the health event and its influence on education from the theoretical orientations of social epistemology, contrasting its concepts with problem manifestations of education under COVID19. It also interprets information from teachers, authorities and communicators. The changes occurred in schooling, curriculum and pedagogical discourse since the emergence of the pandemic are revealed. They are reflected on the changes occurred when moving from face-to-face education to virtual education and those due to the introduction of new practices, their interrelation with existing structures and their rules. The influences of educational psychology in schooling, curricular organization and pedagogical discourse are also presented. Its links to academic discipline, curriculum and evaluation and its role for achieving the successful adjustment of the individual with his environment.

Keywords : Social epistemology; education; schooling; curriculum; pedagogical discourse; pandemic.

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