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Sophia, Colección de Filosofía de la Educación

versión On-line ISSN 1390-8626versión impresa ISSN 1390-3861


CACERES MESA, Maritza Librada; MORENO TAPIA, Javier  y  LEON GONZALEZ, Jorge Luis. Reflections and perspectives on the evaluation of mathematics learning in mexican higher education. Sophia [online]. 2020, n.29, pp.287-313. ISSN 1390-8626.

The evaluation of mathematics learning in Higher Secondary Education constitutes a great challenge for teachers due to the complexity of their task, in order to achieve meaningful learning from the point of view of the learning subject, where it is considered important to revitalize the formative dimension of evaluation to transform their practices in light of contemporary curricular demands. It emphasizes the importance of promoting a culture of evaluation that ensures the development of a systematic, rigorous, critical, reflective, and academic decision-making process. The study was structured in two moments, the first considers the theoretical foundations that support the teacher's understanding of the formative dimension of the evaluation of student learning, the objective of which is aimed at analyzing evaluation practices in the field of math subjects. In the second, interviews and focus groups were applied, where the diversity of criteria issued by the teachers was considered, on the problems that affect the learning results. In this interpretive framework, some conclusions and implications are offered related to the need to promote a methodological change, as a mechanism that allows redirecting teaching strategies, which support the significance of knowledge in EMS; It emphasizes the need to strengthen spaces for collegial interaction, from where an exchange of experiences on evaluation forms is generated, as a viable alternative that conditions the understanding and improvement of teaching in high school.

Palabras clave : Evaluation of learning; formative evaluation; mathematical learning; assessment culture; evaluation practices; Upper Middle Education.

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