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RETOS. Revista de Ciencias de la Administración y Economía

On-line version ISSN 1390-8618Print version ISSN 1390-6291


CANELON SILVA, Agrivalca Ramsenia  and  ALMANSA MARTINEZ, Ana. Migration: challenges and opportunities from the perspective of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Retos [online]. 2018, vol.8, n.16, pp.109-120. ISSN 1390-8618.

In line with the growing consensus that a post in the 2015 development agenda demands the approach of contemporary international migration with the aim of reducing poverty and inequality, while fighting against discrimination, exclusion and marginalization, this article describes how the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), framed in the 2030 Agenda, make visible and include migrations and refugees as topics for discussion. To do so, the article begins with a literature review regarding the normative and conceptual bases of the relationship between migration and development, providing a brief status of the migration behavior flows in Ibero-America with a focus on Latin American and the Caribbean—particularly the case of Venezuela and the exodus it is currently experiencing as a result of economic contraction, humanitarian crisis and political and social conflict—, to end with a reflection on the actors invited to participate in this effort and the actions that can be deployed in order to reduce the «involuntary large-scale migration» caused by «conflicts, disasters or environmental or economic reasons», which is within the top 10 global risks repeatedly contemplated in the reports published by the World Economic Forum between 2016 and 2018. The article hopes to contribute to the debate in favor of migratory and integration policies with better planning and management, and real impact on the lives of migrants.

Keywords : Migration; refugees; displaced persons; sustainable development goals; diasporas; human rights.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )