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Ingenius. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología
On-line version ISSN 1390-860XPrint version ISSN 1390-650X
LLANOS, Karla et al. Prototype of a Device for the Automatic Measurement of Physiological Signals to Assist the Diagnosis and Monitoring of patients with COVID-19. Ingenius [online]. 2022, n.27, pp.49-58. ISSN 1390-860X.
This article describes the design, construction and preliminary results of a device to automate the measurement of physiological signals to assist in the diagnosis and monitoring of COVID-19. The device usesa system to controlling linear actuators to turn on/offcertified biomedical instruments, in addition to algorithmsfor image recognition of displays with measurements of temperature, oxygen saturation, pressure and heart rate. The system also includes a mobile application, which receives data in real time and createsa database for medical evaluation. Results obtained with the device have demonstrated to provide a high percentage of efficiency in the data acquisition. Afterseveral trials with users, SUS and PSSUQ tests wereapplied to allow verifying the users’ feedback regardingthe satisfaction and usability of the prototype,with high score, showing the good acceptance of thedevice from the users.
Keywords : Automation; Covid-19; eHealth; imageprocessing; SUS; telemedicine.