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Ingenius. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología

On-line version ISSN 1390-860XPrint version ISSN 1390-650X


TAPIA ANDRADE, Andrea  and  TORRES BERNI, Wilson. Evaluation of the dynamic properties of a 2D-frame (MDOF) in a shake table. Ingenius [online]. 2021, n.26, pp.49-62. ISSN 1390-860X.

At present, the study of structural dynamics is mainly theoretical with access to certain simulations through software, however, this project attempts that the student may understand and physically observe the dynamic responses of experimental models. These models correspond to 2D - frames with multiple degrees of freedom that are subjected to acceleration in the base; this acceleration is generated by a Shake Table II, and the results obtained will be compared with theoretical results. These theoretical results were obtained based on modal decomposition and Newmark’s method for calculating the dynamic response, considering the linear variation in the acceleration of each floor. The application developed, ATH Dynamic Responses, provided the theoretical responses through a graphical interface friendly for the user. The experimental models are constituted by two materials: stainless steel for frame legs and acrylic sheets for floors; these were tested on a Shake Table II”. The data was acquired using accelerometers that were placed in each floor and in the shake table, and they were corrected both by baseline and with the low pass filter. The results obtained show that the instrumentation with the Shake Table II and the data acquisition with accelerometers provide results similar to the theoretical ones regarding dynamic responses and modal properties.

Keywords : modal decomposition; structural dynamics; experimental model; Shake Table; Newmark; filter.

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