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Ingenius. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología
On-line version ISSN 1390-860XPrint version ISSN 1390-650X
PRUNA, Luis; VELASCO, Fabián; CHACHAPOYA, Fabián and PAREDES, Cristian. Elaboración de la fibra de cabuya en tejido plano como matriz de refuerzo para la construcción de un retrovisor. Ingenius [online]. 2020, n.24, pp.81-86. ISSN 1390-860X.
Natural fibers are becoming an efficient alternative for industrial applications. This is due to its easy accessibility in the market and for being a renewable raw material. The present work seeks to replace the cabuya as reinforcement material with polyester matrix for automotive applications with low cost and weight. This is the case of the mirrors of a vehicle, for which a base mold was manufactured. On the mold will be applied and molded the mirror on which the use of the fiber of cabuya and a polyester resin is detached. Mixtures of cobalt octoate and methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP) with natural fiber significantly reduce weight; the manufacturing cost is reduced by approximately 40% due to the ease of handling of the fiber and the acquisition of this material. The application of the cabuya is recommended for automotive applications such as the rearview mirror as it presents a considerable reduction in its weight and relatively low cost compared to the original component.
Keywords : aplicaciones; fibra natural; extracción; moldeado; proceso.