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Ingenius. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología
On-line version ISSN 1390-860XPrint version ISSN 1390-650X
VENEGAS VASCONEZ, Diego and AYABACA SARRIA, César. Análisis del almacenamiento en sistemas de gas licuado de petróleo: tanques estacionarios vs. cilindros. Ingenius [online]. 2019, n.22, pp.113-122. ISSN 1390-860X.
In Ecuador, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is used as an energy source for residential, commercial and industrial equipment. In natural state this fuel is in gas phase, but for ease of transport and storage is liquefied and deposited in containers called cylinders (by spare) or tanks (stationary), where it is re-gasified for consumption. The present work measures the remaining LPG that is returned in cylinders to the marketers by 20 commercial and industrial users in Ecuador during a month, 8 with 15 kg cylinders and 12 with 45 kg cylinders. The average return was 3.82 kg/cil. (25.49%) and 9.69 kg/cil. (21.54%) respectively. Then, 8 safety parameters contemplated in the current Technical Standard in Ecuador were verified for these 20 facilities, and the results of those users who do not comply with these parameters are presented. Finally some arguments are given as to why there are economic and security advantages in the storage of LPG in stationary tanks on cylinders.
Keywords : Liquefied petroleum gas; tanks; cylinders; vaporization; remainder; safety.