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Ingenius. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología
On-line version ISSN 1390-860XPrint version ISSN 1390-650X
LLANES-CEDENO, Edilberto Antonio; PERALTA-ZURITA, Diana; PUCHA-TAMBO, Marco and ROCHA-HOYOS, Juan Carlos. Caracterización mecánica a flexión de materiales compuestos con matriz fotopolimérica reforzados con fibras de abacá y cabuya mediante impresión 3d. Ingenius [online]. 2019, n.22, pp.100-112. ISSN 1390-860X.
Composite materials and the manufacture of auto parts by 3D printing, is currently an alternative in the manufacture of automotive auto parts. The objective of the present investigation was to characterize the composite material with a photopolymer resin matrix reinforced with natural abaca and cabuya fibers manufactured by 3D printing, for its application in automotive autoparts manufacturing. As an object of study, the directional grid of the air conditioning duct of an automotive vehicle is selected, which by means of an experimental analysis and computational simulation, compares its mechanical characteristics; For the manufacture of the test specimens, a composite volumetric reinforcement fiber fraction of 20% was proposed in the two types of fibers, the bending test was carried out according to the ASTM 790 standard. As a result of the mechanical characterization of the manufactured materials it was obtained that the maximum bending stress of the compounds reinforced with abaca (77,53 MPa) and cabuya (83,26 MPa) decreased with respect to the matrix material (92,77 MPa), the modulus of elasticity to flexion that had reinforced compounds with abaca (2211,33 MPa) and abuya (1806,03 MPa) increased with respect to the matrix material (1689,64 MPa), which translates into an increase in the rigidity of the characterized materials, making possible the substitution of the matrix material.
Keywords : composite materials; 3D printing; abaca fibers; cabuya fibers; photopolymer matrix.