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Ingenius. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología

On-line version ISSN 1390-860XPrint version ISSN 1390-650X


CUZCO, Mayra Viscaíno; VILLACRES-PARRA, Sergio; GALLEGOS-LONDONO, César  and  NEGRETE-COSTALES, Hernán. Evaluación de la gestión del mantenimiento en hospitales del instituto ecuatoriano de seguridad social de la zona 3 del Ecuador. Ingenius [online]. 2019, n.22, pp.59-71. ISSN 1390-860X.

The hospital infrastructure failures have an inestimable impact because they put human lives at stake. Therefore, potential risks contributing to the medical equipment and hospital infrastructure failure must be identified, reduced or eliminated. The maintenance and its management constitute a tool that ensures the equipment performance. The aim of this work was to obtain quantitative data of the maintenance management at the hospitals of Zone 3 of the Ecuadorian public health system. The methodology consists of five phases: assessment criteria selection, criteria weighting, assessment instrument development, validation of the instrument by applying it to the four hospitals of the zone 3 in Ecuador, and identification of low-performing aspects. The results demonstrate that the maintenance management of the hospitals in Zone 3 reached a quantitative average value of 55,5/100 points. There are structural deficiencies comprising the achievement of the maintenance department goals in three hospitals, yet there are doable processes that can be implemented to overcome deficiencies and increase the level of requirements fulfillment. We conclude that the criterion of maintenance planning, programming is highly likely to improve.

Keywords : hospital maintenance; maintenance management; analytic hierarchy process; maintenance assessment; public health system.

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