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Letras Verdes, Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Socioambientales

versión On-line ISSN 1390-6631


FORERO, Jorge-Enrique. Extractivism: Historical Context, Analytical Approaches, and Conceptual Challenges. Letras Verdes [online]. 2023, n.34, pp.180-200. ISSN 1390-6631.

The category "extractivism" has gained increasing relevance in Latin American social sciences in recent years. Despite its popularity, the literature on this phenomenon has very few conceptual works, and the majority of those that exist lack a clear definition of the concept. This article aims to contribute to filling this gap. Through a narrative review of the literature, it describes its historical context of emergence, characterizes the analytical sources used in it, and identifies the most common meanings in which the category has been employed. This allows us to identify some conceptual challenges, for which an approach centered on the concept of "social metabolism" is proposed.

Palabras clave : capital; economic growth; environmental economics; metabolism..

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