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Letras Verdes, Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Socioambientales

versión On-line ISSN 1390-6631


OLALDE-ESTRADA,, Paris  y  OLALDE-ESTRADA, Karla-Yadira. Ethnography of an Environmental Education Workshop in the Protected Natural Area Cerro de la Estrella. Letras Verdes [online]. 2023, n.34, pp.66-85. ISSN 1390-6631.

In Mexico City, Natural Protected Areas are constantly threatened by urban sprawl, they are ideal spaces for environmental education and the formation of eco-citizenship; however, there is a lack of research regarding workshops in these areas. Through an ethnographical approach, participant observation and open interviews, the objective of this study was to characterize the issues, the way they were addressed, and the benefits of an environmental education workshop aimed at citizens who visited Cerro de la Estrella; with the goal to support the development of environmental education in these areas. At the workshop, the topics were such as ecosystem services, composting, and reforestation, among others. Eight categories of analysis, ordered into two classifications (themes and logistics of the workshop), are discussed. The study concludes that, although the workshops are a step towards eco-citizenship (a citizenship committed to nature) development, it was conducted from a limited vision of education, as an information and norms transmission method, which is why most of the sessions were expository and prescriptivist. A more critical view is needed, to reevaluate other theoretical frameworks, as well as environmental education official programs and strategies, accomplish interdisciplinary work, and pay attention to other theoretical contributions such as meta-citizenships and comunagogy (proposals based on community pedagogies), as well as improving employment conditions for environmental educators.

Palabras clave : citizenship education; civilization crises; education for sustainable development; educational workshops; environmental awareness; environmental education.

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