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Letras Verdes, Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Socioambientales

versão On-line ISSN 1390-6631


MONTES DE OCA HERNANDEZ, Acela  e  NAESSENS, Hilda. Critical-Conceptual Approaches to Sustainability. Letras Verdes [online]. 2023, n.33, pp.45-63.  Epub 31-Ago-2023. ISSN 1390-6631.

Despite the efforts of some politicians, social groups, companies and civil society to contain ecocide, the deterioration of the planet continues to exceed thousands of theoretical and practical discourses about sustainability. The objective of this article is to examine some concepts of sustainability from the perspective of critical thinking. From multidisciplinary theoretical positions, a review and comparison of articles referring to sustainability is carried out. Critical components of sustainability that point to scientific and traditional reasoning for the acquirement of environmental awareness are exposed.

Palavras-chave : critical thinking; cultural model; environmental awareness; environmental education; intercultural dialogue.

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