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Letras Verdes, Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Socioambientales

versión On-line ISSN 1390-6631


GRANADOS-MUNOZ, Luis-Enrique. The aqueduct II of Querétaro: water transfer works and scenarios of social inequality. Letras Verdes [online]. 2022, n.32, pp.129-146.  Epub 01-Feb-2022. ISSN 1390-6631.

Transferring water from one basin to another is a very popular activity among many governments in the world. Works of this type are being built and completed on all continents and Mexico is no exception. Through the case of the transfer of water to the city of Querétaro, this investigation aims to demonstrate that the transfer works are technical-political artifices that build, propagate and accentuate social inequality, through concepts such as development, modernity and the scarcity paradigm. This article maintains that any mobilization, transfer or relocation of water generates voices of disagreement, those affected and benefited, as well as subjugating and eliminating local knowledge of water. Through the ethnographic method of observation, recording and analysis of the case, this work concludes that the transfer of water has consequences such as an unsustainable financial debt, ecological devastation with multiple effects, the loss of autonomy of the peoples of the extraction zone and differentiated beneficiaries located in the city of Querétaro, in other cities of Mexico and the world.

Palabras clave : development; drinking water; inequality; water supply.

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