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Letras Verdes, Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Socioambientales

On-line version ISSN 1390-6631


ZAVARO-PEREZ, Carlos-Alberto. Nature ex Situ: Biodiversity Arks. Letras Verdes [online]. 2022, n.31, pp.42-58. ISSN 1390-6631.

The conservation of biological diversity is currently a central issue in the face of increasing environmental deterioration, the impact of climate change and the models of society based on an extractivist perspective. In this context, many zoos, botanical gardens and historic aquariums have begun a transformation process to become bio parks, redefining their purposes. The objective of this article is to reflect on the role that the definition of biological collections has in these institutions today, both in the spatial arrangement of the exhibition -and therefore in the design of the tour-, as well as in the delimitation of the institutional objectives that include the implementation of ex-situ conservation programs, their articulation with the systems of protected areas and with the design of educational proposals that, under various formats of environmental education, understand the work with schools and the visiting public. From a conservationist perspective that supports the need for a sustainable model of development and redistribution of wealth, it is relevant to redefine the role of these institutions.

Keywords : conservation; environmental education; fauna; flora; reproduction.

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