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Letras Verdes, Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Socioambientales

On-line version ISSN 1390-6631


SERRANO-PEREZ, Catalina; PALACIOS-PACHECO,, Sofía; REYES-MARTINEZ,, Henry  and  CELY-REYES,, Germán. Salvapáramos Rabanal: Conservation Incentive Program. Systematization of Experiences from a Social Sciences Standpoint. Letras Verdes [online]. 2020, n.28, pp.67-89. ISSN 1390-6631.

This article presents a dialogue between natural and social sciences about the formulation and execution of one of the first public programs of Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES), developed in the central Andes mountain range, department of Boyacá, Colombia, located within the ecosystem paramo of Rabanal. We considered the challenges that strategy development brings to the conservation and protection of water resources, and the associated ecosystem services such as the regulation and supply of water. With this in mind, the PES is set up as a tool for the environmental management of a territory with constant social-environmental conflicts that stem from the dichotomy between conservation and production. Through the analysis of the environmental history of the region we observe multiple transformations suffered by this ecosystem, brought together in specific global development discourses that provide a critical interpretation of the execution of conservation programs on a local scale. Likewise, through systemization as a popular education methodology, we compile the perceptions, good practices and learning process of the leaders of the program, as well as those of the peasants who inhabit the Rabanal. The article aims to foster learning from a social standpoint for the execution of PESs as instruments for environmental management in similar settings.

Keywords : ecosystem services; environmental history; Payment for Ecosystem Services, social perceptions; water resources.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )