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 número22¿Caras de una misma moneda? Conservación de la biodiversidad y extractivismo en América LatinaConflictos en los Sitios Ramsar de Argentina: aportes para una ecologíapolítica de los humedales índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Letras Verdes, Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Socioambientales

versión On-line ISSN 1390-6631


NOGAR, Ada Graciela  y  LARSEN, Brenda Ayelén. Territorial transformations in the productive frontiers: hybridization of uses or deepening of extractivism in Argentina?. Letras Verdes [online]. 2017, n.22, pp.205-227. ISSN 1390-6631.

This study analyzes the acceleration of productive and extractive cycles from/ the interrelationships between local actors, companies and States. It is based on research activities studying productive homogenization processes and their derived environmental fragilities.The objective is to study the existent relationships between State and Capital in natural resource appropriation processes in order to understand their environmental situation in a productive/extractive (re)primarization and territorial (re)positioning context. The analyzed agreements and conflicts emerged from the territorial productive appropriation, were due to: i- the capital competitiveness need, ii- the incorporation of innovation, iii- the demand of commodities, iv- new knowledge for profitable actions, v- the availability of scarce resource and, e- the institutional support for the appropriation.It is noted in this work that rural spaces are dynamized by internationally scattered networks of power and governances. Thus resources are appropriated by the on duty administrations. These possesion actions join globalized value chains that induce territorial (re)positioning through (re)primarization and aggravation of the environmental problems.

Palabras clave : frontiers; resources; territories; transformations.

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