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Enfoque UTE
versión On-line ISSN 1390-6542versión impresa ISSN 1390-9363
CASTILLO SANCHEZ, Jonathan Gustavo y CHIMBO SOLORZANO, Jessica Estefanía. Efficiency in the removal of organic matter by wormfilters (Eisenia foetida) in domestic wastewater for rural areas. Enfoque UTE [online]. 2021, vol.12, n.2, pp.80-99. ISSN 1390-6542.
Inadequate management of domestic wastewater in rural areas, the discharge of which to water bodies without prior treatment, is a major problem of environmental pollution, as well as a risk to public health. The purpose of this study was to assess the efficiency in the removal of organic matter by lombrifilters in domestic wastewater in a rural area. Under experimental conditions, the wormfilter was designed using as a theoretical basis the Tohá treatment system, created by Dr. José Tohá, which consisted of four strata: sawdaught + Eisenia foetida, activated charcoal, gravel and river stones. The concentration of organic matter of the tributary was evaluated obtaining high concentrations of BOD., COD, TSS and TS. T1 achieved the highest efficiency percentages with a volumetric flow of 1.8×10-2 l/s and TRH of 0.92 h obtaining 52.25 % for BOD. and COD, 66.74 % TSS and 52.91 % TS. In this way, it was determined that the implementation of wormfilters based on Eisenia foetida for the removal of organic matter, represents an ecological and innovative treatment system that requires a low investment, is efficient and friendly to the environment.
Palabras clave : worm filter; Eisenia foetida; domestic wastewater; flow; efficiency.