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Enfoque UTE

On-line version ISSN 1390-6542Print version ISSN 1390-9363


ROLDAN, Luis Velasco; PEREZ, Leonardo Goyos; AMORES, Luis Freire  and  IBARRA, Alexander. Potential use of vegetal Biomass as insulation in extreme climates of Ecuador. Enfoque UTE [online]. 2015, vol.6, n.4, pp.23-41. ISSN 1390-6542.

In Ecuador, a factor of great ecological wealth is linked to its tradition in the use of fibers and other organic waste composite character as filler element, reinforcement or insulation in the field of housing construction, which carries great potential under the most viable architecture. The climate variability in Ecuador and the low purchasing power of their inhabitants forced to use local available building materials inexpensive or at no cost, in order to achieve economic and comfortable housing. That is why we have analyzed the presence of natural resources and waste biomass confronting regional building tradition, later superimpose geographically with major climatic variables affecting energy efficiency. This makes it possible to determine what, where and how to use the different biomass resources to allow a response to build that has a strong social, economic, environmental and energy argument in order to facilitate the conditions for access to economic habitat efficient, safe and dignified.

Keywords : agricultural waste; thermal insulation; energy efficiency; natural resources..

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